Saturday, July 09, 2005

Encouraged and Faithful

I just spoke with both Sister Farrell and Rev Farrell on the phone. Sister Farrell said she's "encouraged" and "faithful." She of course didn't have the spunk and energetic enthusiasm that we know her to possess but still exuded a closeness to the Lord during our brief conversation. Her older son is in town for a few days bringing encouragement I'm sure.

The chemo is set for early this Tuesday and wrapping up by Wednesday. Be in prayer for that. Her condition remains essentially unchanged from the last update.

Rev Farrell wishes to express the family's deep apprecaition and thanks for the many gifts and cards received. He emphasized that I get that message out to you. Certainly keep that activity rolling along.

As you know the Farrells have many friends in Jamaica and London, both rocked these past 48 hours in different ways. Rev Farrell said he does not know of anyone connected to their ministry affected directly by the recent bomb blasts in London. Additionally he said that Jamaica was not affected by Hurricane Dennis as bad as Hurricane Ivan hurt them last year. Thank the Lord for those two reports.

Will be in touch. Paul tells us to boast in our weaknesses. Let us be encouraged that we have a God with unlimited power and authority.


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