Thursday, June 15, 2006

Chemo continues

According to Reverend Dr. Farrell the latest chemo regimen is tougher on Sister Farrell than the previous regimen. (It's my understanding she's had two regimens in play thus far.) She did attend our pastor's daughter's wedding last Saturday but couldn't muster the strength to attend church the next day. We all know how much it takes to keep Sister Farrell from church too.

Pray that God's will be done and that Sister Farrell's pain and discomfort would diminish. The family appreciates the love, attention and prayers of the saints.

God bless.

Monday, June 05, 2006

New chemo is tougher

I received an e-mail today from Reverend Farrell and will "paste" it here-- "Margaret has not been able to make it to church for the last couple of weeks due to chemo side effects and excessive pain. We continue to trust the Lord and wait upon him as his Sovereign will is worked out in our lives."

Will keep you informed. Remember that if I "disappear" for a whil that indicates I haven't heard anything radically different. I manage to run into Sister Farrell's daughter and son-in-law frequently at church so I stay up to speed.

Rev. Farrell did say recently that recent tests showed the cancerous growth has neither grown nor shrunk since it was discovered. Keep praying.


Little Brother Scott