Saturday, July 30, 2005

Round #3 went well

Rev Farrell just reported in and said round #3 of chemotherapy went well. He also said, "she is making slow progress and getting stronger each day."

Thanks for your patience as the reports have been less frequent of late. Of course, in conditions warrant the frequency will increase.

Little Brother Scott

Sunday, July 24, 2005

"Holding Up Well"

Those were Rev Farrell's word to me today--that SisterFarrell is holding up well. I haven't heard of any changes in the next chemo scheduled so I trust that it's still for July 26.

It's been six days since the last posting but I haven't forgotten ya'll. God has been good and everything rests in His hands. We pray, wait, watch and do.

God bless,

Little Brother Scott

Monday, July 18, 2005

Slow Improvement

Just spoke with Sister Farrell's daughter who said Sister Farrell continues to slowly improve in the area of energy and appetite. As we spoke she was preparing some soup. No glitches or problems reported with round #2 of chemotherapy. Round #3 is scheduled for July 26.

Sister Farrell's daughter was denied leave of absence by her employer so pray for God to raise up assistance, or to have the leave decision reversed. All things are in His hands, we just walk it out. Easier said than done, right?

As a reminder, in the event there aren't any drastic changes in Sister Farrell's situation there may not be postings on various days. The situation though is being monitored and prayers continue to go up to God in heaven.


Little Brother Scott

Friday, July 15, 2005

Doing Better

I visisted the Farrells Wednesday and was pleased to see Sister Farrell more energetic then she had been a couple weeks prior. She walked about the house some carrying her chemo pump in her hands. Five grandchildren were running about. Rev Farrell and I had a nice converation about the Lord's work in America and all the work there is to do.

Little Brother Scott

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sister Farrell Already Home!

Sister Farrell went to the hospital this morning and started her second round of chemo. The medication is in a pump that will deliver it over 48 hours. Thus, she was able to go home today after getting it started at the hospital. She'll go back Thursday to wrap up the round.

Rev Farrell said she's not in any pain at this time, just discomfort. Appetite continues to be less than "normal." Her eldest son is in town for several days to provide his comfort, love and support.

The Farrells continue to covet and appreciate the prayers, thoughts and love extended by the saints. We are after all, one body.Let us be of one mind and love and bless one another in prayer and action.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Chemo still a go

Tomorrow's Tuesday and the second round of chemo is still a go.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Encouraged and Faithful

I just spoke with both Sister Farrell and Rev Farrell on the phone. Sister Farrell said she's "encouraged" and "faithful." She of course didn't have the spunk and energetic enthusiasm that we know her to possess but still exuded a closeness to the Lord during our brief conversation. Her older son is in town for a few days bringing encouragement I'm sure.

The chemo is set for early this Tuesday and wrapping up by Wednesday. Be in prayer for that. Her condition remains essentially unchanged from the last update.

Rev Farrell wishes to express the family's deep apprecaition and thanks for the many gifts and cards received. He emphasized that I get that message out to you. Certainly keep that activity rolling along.

As you know the Farrells have many friends in Jamaica and London, both rocked these past 48 hours in different ways. Rev Farrell said he does not know of anyone connected to their ministry affected directly by the recent bomb blasts in London. Additionally he said that Jamaica was not affected by Hurricane Dennis as bad as Hurricane Ivan hurt them last year. Thank the Lord for those two reports.

Will be in touch. Paul tells us to boast in our weaknesses. Let us be encouraged that we have a God with unlimited power and authority.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Will wait Another Week

Sister Farrell's chemo was postponed until the 13th of July because there aren't any available beds at the hospital. Rev Farrell reports the pain continues to lessen yet the appetite remains the same. Continue to pray. The family appreciates all the support.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

No Chemo Today After All

Rev Farrell left me a phone message today and said that the chemo won't start today. I'll get a more definitive time schedule from him tomorrow.

He said Margaret did have a restful day. Her youngest son and his family are still in town and return home tomorrow.

Little Brother Scott

Monday, July 04, 2005

Good Spirits for the Fourth

Here's the Fourth of July report. Rev Farrell reported in this morning and said their youngest son, his wife and children made it in town. The visit is a good pick-me-up for Sister Farrell. A friend from New York also visited.

Round #2 of chemo is still scheduled for Tuesday although snags in paper work may bump it back to Wednesday. Once it starts it should be a 48-hour regimen.

God bless.

Little Brother Scott
Tampa, FL

Saturday, July 02, 2005

So Far So Good Today

I checked my voice mail about noon today and Rev Farrell had left a message that Sister Farrell continues at her recent level of health. Sometimes with cancer that's great news. It's also encouraging that she's cleared for the next round of chemo--still scheduled for Tuesday.

I hope to see the Farrells later today (they live about 15 miles from me and my wife). If so I'll be sure to pass on the latest news.

Be vigilant in prayer. God is doing great things in our midst and we thank Him for his providential hand, and orchestrating our lives to suit His good pleasure.

You'll note that electronic signature for these postings has changed to "Little Brother Scott," which is me of course. I finally learned how to edit some of the blog's options. If you click on "View my Complete Profile" please ignore the astrological sign and zodiac info. The website does this automatically and I don't think it can be turned off. As Christians we reject astrology as patently un-Christian. God ordains our circumstances, not the position of planets and other such nonsense.

Little Brother Scott
Tampa, FL

A day off from Updates

It was a busy day today and I did not speak with the Farrells. I trust all is well and that yesterday's plan of action is still in force. I'm supposed to visit with the Farrells tomorrow and will likely post the latest news tomorrow night.

God bless all of you as you monitor Sister Farrell's journey from near and far.

Little Brother Scott

Friday, July 01, 2005

A Break for the Fourth

Sister Farrell saw her physician today and is cleared for round two of chemo. However, it has been pushed back to next Tuesday (July 5) in order not to conflict with the Fourth of July holiday weekend. It's just as well as hospitals reduce their staff for holidays. A dietician will also be consulted to assist in improving quantity of food intake. Sister Farrell did tell me yesterday she's juicing carrots, apples, celery, brocolli and other high quality foods. Cancer hates nutritious foods so that's a very wise tactic she's employing.

Moreover, we have a God who knows all and isn't wringing his hands over any of our circumstances, including Sister Farrell's. Praise Him. Until next time...

Little Brother Scott
Tampa, FL