Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Rev Dr Farrell speaks

Rather than read my words, here's an excerpt from an e-mail to me from Rev Dr. Farrell --

"Grace to you. I had a very successful visit to Antigua & Barbuda. I just got back yesterday and it is heartening to know Margaret also came in to be with me for 10 days and so far she is holding up well. Please let our readers know she is here and enjoying every moment of it."

Til next time...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Sister Farrell Made it to Church Yesterday

... And whenever she makes it to church that is a good thing. I spoke with her and she said she had a good week. As we know though, Sister Farrell is a warrior for Christ and in spite of the toughest of circumstances we expect nothing but good words from her mouth. This is not to justify the "name and claim it" theologians--they need to repent--but to suggest that we keep praying and God's relief and restorative powers will be her portion.

The family appreciates the attention, prayers and love.

God bless.